Friday, December 17, 2010

Fluency and Jokes

For our last class of 2010 we will practice fluency and telling jokes. Watch this VIDEO about how to tell a joke and tell us one thing you learned in the comments. Also, bring your own joke (no dirty ones!) to class so you can practice telling it to your group.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Good job with the presentations last week everybody!!! In the next class we are going to practice intonation because the way you speak changes the meaning and feeling of the words. This will help your presentations become more interesting and accurate!
No homework for this time... LUCKY DAY!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Presentation #1

Next class we will have our first presentations! Remember: your speech should be 2-3 minutes and you will get to practice once with a partner before we begin. Let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Presentation Topic

I know everybody is busy with Gaigosai - I really appreciate all of your hard work!!! This week, when you get a chance, please tell me your presentation topic in the comments.
See you at the festival!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Presentation Topics

Hi everybody! You all did such a great job improvising last class... I really enjoyed listening to you - so funny!!!!
Please think of 3 topics that you might want to choose for your first presentation and write them in the comments. Next class we will brainstorm all three topics, choose one, organize your presentation and create a good opening!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A speech that you give without any preparation is called "improvised". These can be the most difficult kind of speeches, but also the most fun!

Next class we will learn how to improvise with some tips and lots of practice.

Watch the video of an American guy named Tam deliver an improvised speech. The teacher gives him the topic "Pokemon" and he has to make a speech. The topic then changes during his speech to "Pikachu" then "spells" and the teacher keeps changing the topic. Click HERE to watch then tell me what you think in the comments.

Let's try it next class!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Group Presentations

Next class we give our group presentations! Let me know if you will use CDs or DVDs. Also, please email me if you need help or have any questions!
See you~

Monday, October 11, 2010

A Five-minute Speech

Matt Harding went all over the world and made videos of himself doing funny dances with local people. Click HERE to see his video.

Then Matt did a 5-minute speech explaining how his "silly dance" videos were organized. Click HERE to see his presentation.

Please write a comment about what you think of the video and his presentation(don't forget your name and write T2 or T3!).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ice-breaker Speech

Next class we will prepare an ice-breaker speech. It should be about 2 minutes long (one or three is ok!) and the topic is about YOU! Here are some ideas for your speech:

-Year by Year (tell about your life from birth until today)
-Your Interests (tell about what you love)
-Common Theme (what is something that constantly happens in your life?)
-Key Event (tell about an important event in your life)
-How I Got Here (talk about decisions and events that got you to TUFS)

Also, click HERE to watch a video of an ice-breaker speech. Then write a comment on our blog about what you liked about her speech.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Presentation Days

We will have our first presentation day on July 20th. Be prepared to give your presentation on this day - although you might give yours the next week!
Email me if you have any questions or problems!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Practice Practice Practice

This week finish your research, outline, etc... and bring your visuals and other materials to the next class. Be prepared to PRACTICE!!!
Email me if you have any questions.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Presentation Topics

This week please do all your research for your topic. Next class we will organize it, think of a good introduction, visuals, how to involve the audience and more!


Please tell me the topic you chose in the comments. Thanks!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Questions, Answers and Involving the Audience

After your final presentation you will answer a question from the audience. We will practice how to answer questions as well as how to ask questions to speakers. We will also talk about how to involve the audience in your presentation.


In the comments, please tell me which two topics you might do for presentation #2.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fillers and Gestures

We will practice using gestures and fillers in our next class. Please watch these two videos and write your reaction in the comments.

VIDEO 1 : He talks about eye-contact and gestures. What did you learn from this?

VIDEO 2 : Does President Obama use too many fillers in his speech?

Monday, June 7, 2010


In the next class we will practice using our voices to make our presentations more exciting and communicative.


Please watch this video HERE. Watch how the woman's second speech is so much better because she uses her voice differently.


In the comments, please tell me what you thought was different about her voice.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Presentation Practice

In the next class you will practice your presentation many times. Concentrate on eye contact, using a clear voice, timing, using your visuals (if you have them) and giving feedback to your classmates.

Our presetnations will be on June 8th!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Presentation Preparation

For this week's homework you should be doing your "heavy" research. Going to the library, checking the Internet, interviewing people, doing polls, etc...

Next class please bring all this information and we will organize it and write effective introductions!

Send me an email if you have any questions or need some help.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fear of Speaking and Confidence Building

Everybody gets nervous speaking in front of a group. Next class we will do some exercises that will help build confidence and lessen the fear of speaking.

Watch the exercises this acting class does HERE. We will try both activities in our class too!

Also, please choose one question below and answer in the comments.

1. Why do you get nervous speaking in front of people?

2. Have you given a speech in front of a large crowd before? What was it like?

3. Do you have any ideas about how to prepare yourself before a speech so that you are not so nervous?

And remember - you should be informing yourself and talking to people about your topic this week!!!! Write me if you need help~

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Presentation Topics

What was your best topic from last class? Please tell me a little information about it. Junko wrote an example for you.

Have a great Golden Week!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Homework for 4/27

Thanks for doing such a great job with "eye contact" and your partner introductions - I had so much fun listening to you guys!!

Click HERE and watch the video about "how to tie a Windsor knot".

Then please write in the comments what you thought was "good" and "not so good" about his presentation.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Blog Post

Please tell me about the partner you met during our first class.

Go to "comments" below. Type your information (don't forget your name!). In the "comment as" section, you can choose "Anonymous". Finally, click on "Post comment".

Send me an email if you have problems.

See you next week!
